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How do I move between Reward Levels?Updated 2 years ago

You can move up in tiers only by shopping. Upon joining our Rewards program, you’ll be entered into our first tier, “Bakery Insider.” After spending $100, you’ll be upgraded to our second tier, “Cake Connoisseur.” After spending $250 or more, you’ll be upgraded again to our highest, most prestigious tier, “Fruitcake Fanatics.” 

You can also move down tiers by not shopping. If there is no qualifying purchase activity within a twelve-month period, customers will be bumped one tier down. Reentry to higher tiers can be accomplished by spending. After spending $100, you’ll be upgraded to our second tier, “Cake Connoisseur.” After spending $250 or more, you’ll be upgraded again to our highest, most prestigious tier, “Fruitcake Fanatics.” 

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